December 19, 2017
Our Buddy Sue Tabashnik has recently published her book “Patrick Swayze – The Dreamer” and it is available on Amazon here:
This book would be a wonderful gift for anyone who is a fan of Patrick and his work. It’s full of interviews and quotes from Patrick and the many, many people who worked with Patrick and also some of those who had the good fortune to know and meet him at some point in his life.
Sue has done an excellent job of shining a light on Patrick as a wonderful human being. Her book shows a side of Patrick that reveals him as a true visionary, a man with dreams. Patrick pursued his dreams all his life and encouraged others to do the very same. Reading it, I had a tear in my eye at many points in the book and I also found myself nodding at a lot of the stories and interviews contained therein. Fabulous work, Sue.